Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Breathing Time

Ok, so I'm not quite as busy at Connie makes it sound... only just about. I am in between classes and just posting a little. It is true that there are about 1000 things to do all the time. This semester I am taking 18 credits and working 3 jobs at school. I also volunteer at the hospital in the Radiology department. I am applying right now for MD/PhD programs. I have heard back from the University of Cincinnati, Harvard Medical School, Johns' Hopkins Medical School, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, University of Pittsburg School of Medicne, Mayo Medical School, and the Medical School of Wisconsin requesting secondary applications. University of California San Diego and UC San Francisco both are evaluating to see if I can submit a secondary application. I have yet to hear from Baylor College of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, and Washington University School of Medicine. I should hopefully start interviewing soon. It is an exciting and stressful time right now. I am also applying to volunteer with the Payson EMT crew. Connie is working full-time at the Microbiology department and taking Accounting 200, which has been a lot of work. I guess she figured that since she does the finances and hasn't ever taken a financial class that might be a good thing to do! That is what we are up to lately. We will try to keep updated posts but it just follows the schedule!

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